In the 20th century the Eurasia was economically lead by Western powers. While countries like Japan and Singapore became paradigms of business and technological success, Eurasia’s did not become integrated while its center of gravity did not move dramatically.
It is the past decade that saw a paradigmatic shift. The 21st century is about the consolidation of new economic and political centers, led by China and other emergent nations in Eurasia.
What is key, is the trend and need of the Asian region for increasing connectivity to Western Eurasia and to the world economy.
This is evidenced by the launch of a large number of new projects and initiatives across the expanses of the Eurasian continent.




The regions of Eurasia are in the stage of rapid economic growth and seeking new ties and partnerships. More and more countries are becoming open for international cooperation. We feel that a new coherent business space spanning from East in the Pacific to West in the Atlantic, being cushioned by the Indic and the Artic is coming to its own. Whether one call it New Eurasia, comes to be - rapidly developing, open to cooperation and promising for new projects.
Today, leaders are needed to drive Eurasia’s transformation and the vast opportunities ahead. Those able to develop international projects bridging players with different cultural, economic, technology and political attributes will be the winners. Leaders will have global, cross-cultural, ethical and very entrepreneurial mindsets.
This is the reason why HKUST and SKOLKOVO business schools have jointly launched the new EMBA for Eurasia. The content of the programme is tailored for executives, entrepreneurs and public officials working with Eurasian markets and institutions. An integral part of the programme is a deep dive into seven countries in order to hone global thinking, understand best innovation practices around the world, and engage in international networking.
The EMBA for Eurasia is a new format of business education aiming at making you а new leader of the new Eurasia.
Tell you everything about our programs and admission
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